Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Countdown! - Time for no more Fat Cats

Its been so long that i lived the comfort life on this plane of exsistance, ignoring what i thought, felt, even dreamed for myself on this wonderfull episode, that i started to get fat in my mind toward others who've never had it so good and those that had it soo good. I mean really, not the problem of my existence, or lack of pain that i've surely had enough of, but my lackadaisical attitude that takes over to do nothing in the midst of that pain, suffering and sorrow which everyone has to deal with, and some deal within huge catastropic proportions. I write to you now to begin that chapter again, where i left off; to notice, to see, to smell what I believe is the undertaking of a lifelong battle. So I begin, guarded with the "pen" as I wake from the slumber that was complaciently, though not totally, placed on by other's misguidence and irresponsibility in the turning of my history. No more Fat Cats allowed!


Domino said...

yeah, you belong here

Unknown said...

I am not native speaker,but I sense this is good writing and hope to see more

G H Kien said...
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G H Kien said...

Thanks! I do feel that i have a more conclusive writing style than verbal speech...Its still got to become more tailored, but just the ability to edit as i go is really enjoyable for me, especially when its being published almost immediatley afterwords..Writing blogs are fun. I had almost forgotton the joy of writing! lol