Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Undertaking Of The Blog / The Style / The Website

Can this really be true? Google has a free website! I remained myself unaware though somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it was happening. Do we get any sort of realization of whats happening? Free this, use that, become connected for no cost! Some say, "ahhh, but you forfeit your own creativity." Alas, If I was worried about that, I would probably try a more creative, individualistic medium. Look at what this offers, I haven't even checked out how much we have at our fingertips but the basic functions are there for full usage. I am impressed. Even if there's not great security for "clients" of mine that have something to sell, i can get another company to make all transactions quicker and safer for the "customer" to use. Will this really take us up farther than ever thought of? I say, "It already has"

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