Monday, October 27, 2008

The Pic's never looked so good!

The picture i'm talking about is a short film done on a camera that is proof towards the ever reaching growth of camera technology. I was taken aback by the quality of the shots in what turns out to be a camera expose' can I afford myself to buy one? At first i thought, this is remarkable how videography has opened up to camera technology, but then again it should be expected. After all, its been over 8 years since the millenium and the traces of design in the camera tech world had started with the time lapse camera effect over a hundred years ago. I don't mean to diss anyones bubble, but it was bound sooner than later to happen. Still though i get a tinge of excitement every time i hear of technology breaking boundries moving into the mainstream. Whether its the Iphone, or the new google phone (State of the Art - A Look at Google’s First Phone - it is great to have these things come to light. now..what is next. I've recently been exposed to head tracking and 3D technology, now that one takes the cake. I don't know who wrote the code for this one but to make a simple TV apear like a portal to another active space truly will take Television to new depths of perceptions. As we grow experiencing infinite beauty the we create, can our structures of society allow us to keep on this course of geat work being done?

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